Book Banning – Take a Stand

LWVGP Leadership at the Book Banning WorkshopThanks to your hard work, our workshop, “Book Banning: How to Fight Against It,” was a huge success at LWV’s national convention last week. Ninety delegates attended in person; another 66 delegates participated via Zoom. Our display table at the back held giveaway items:  96 books that have been challenged or banned in the past 10 years, book bags printed with our logo, and a donation box. Workshop participants left with books, a bag to carry them and the energy and information to take a stand against book bans in their towns.  We also offered a copy of our presentation.  Share the information widely!

LWVGP Presentation on Book-Banning 2024

The LWVGP’s position statements on Public Libraries and Education are found on our Social Advocacy Positions page.   Other leagues are welcome to adopt these statements using the concurrence process as your own bylaws permit.The librarian is turning down the dogs request to ban books on cats and squirrels.