Officers LWVGP
Board of Directors 2024-2025
Executive Board
- President: Lynne Pierce
- President Elect: Dawn Drozd
- Vice President, Programs: Dawn Drozd
- Vice President, Voter Services: Sue Acton
- Secretary: Judy Masserang
- Treasurer: Carol Lufburrow
On-Board Elected Directors
- Director, Voter Services: Julianne Phillips
- Director, Membership: Catherine Dumke
- Director, Membership: Jaime Rae Turnbull
- Director At-Large: Gerianne LaPratt
On-Board Positions (Appointed by the President)
- Advocacy Chair: Lauri Kingsbury
- Assistant Treasurer: Patti Cardoze
- Communications Chair: Judy Florian
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chair: Cathy McAdam
- Environmental Network Chair: Melissa Levasseur
- Observer Corps Chair: Liz Martin
Off-Board Positions (Appointed by the President)
- Finance Review Coordinator: Connie Frey
- Historian: Annie Spence
- Parliamentarian: Judy Florian
- Publicity, The Voter Editor, Facebook: Judy Florian
- The Voter Co-editor: Vicki Granger
- Vote411 Coordinator: Sarah Coats
- Webmaster: Sue Acton
Nominating Committee
- Vicki Granger (chair)
- Anastasia Koustopoulos
- Judy Masserang
Need to contact a member of our board? Ask a question? Volunteer for a committee or event? Send your email to with the Board Member’s name in the subject line. Your message will be forwarded; usually within 24 hours.