LWVGP Advocacy Committee
The LWVGP Advocacy Committee has just been created to advance and expand the LWVGP mission.
While our primary, and overwhelming, focus remains Voter Education, there are times when we make use of the local position statements we have developed over the years, to speak out on these issues. We may also speak out on issues covered by position statements developed at the state level or the national level.
Issues we have advocated for recently include:
- Support a Redistricting Commission
- Support for Expanding Voting Rights Ballot Proposals
- Support for National Popular Vote
- Support for Libraries – Freedom from Political Interference
- and, since 1972, support for the Equal Rights Amendment.
Where to find League of Women Voters Position Statements:
LWVGP Local Positions
Members with an interest should contact the committee chair, Lauri Kingsbury.