Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission and the Census
Every 10 years following the U.S. Census, district lines for political offices must be redrawn in states across the country to accurately reflect their population. In Michigan, a randomly selected commission of citizens is responsible for drawing U.S. Congressional and Michigan State House and Senate district lines. Voters amended the state constitution in the November 2018 general election to make citizens – not legislators or special interests – responsible for drawing district lines (called “redistricting”). The commission is composed of 13 randomly selected Michigan registered voters: four who affiliate with the Democratic Party, four who affiliate with the Republican Party, and five who do not affiliate with either major political party. As of November 10, the Commission is in the process of selecting an Executive Director and Legal Counsel.
The 2020 census count, mandated by the Constitution and conducted by the nonpartisan U.S. Census Bureau is completed. The Bureau is now tabulating and verifying final results. Per the Census Bureau website, 1.3%** of Michigan households self-responded to the census, with another 28.6% reported as being enumerated (accounted for) by Census workers. By December 31, 2020, the Census Bureau must deliver apportionment counts to the President. By April 2021, the Bureau will send redistricting counts to the states. The results of the census are used to determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw congressional and state legislative districts. The census also provides critical data used to provide daily services, products and support for states and local communities (e.g. funding to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads).
Read more about the Commission and 2020 Census at these websites:
* Secretary of State, Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission webpage
**US Census website: www.2020census.gov